Father of Biology

Who is the Father of Biology

Father of Biology-Aristotle is the dad of science. He was an old Greek thinker and researcher. He was quite possibly of the best learned in Western history. Aristotle’s scholarly reach was huge, covering most sciences including natural science, brain research, and numerous expressions.

In the fourth hundred years, Aristotle made a trip to Lesvos. which was loaded with natural life. interest for their natural life prompted the introduction of another science. which we know today as science.

In Lesvos he concentrated on natural life. fostered another science. Science is one of the significant science subjects. that we concentrate on today. Peruse this article to more deeply study the dad of science, Aristotle.

Father of Biology

Who is the Father of Biology?

Why is Aristotle called the father of biology?

Aristotle is known as the father of science because Aristotle studied the ordinary world extensively and researched its starting points using logical understanding and skillful assumptions as opposed to linking it to help from above. Who linked the relationship between living beings to the world and arranged the system.

Aristotle’s birth and death days

Birth- There was some significant awareness of his life. Aristotle was born in northern Greece in the Chalcidic region of Macedonia. Aristotle was born in 384 BC. When Aristotle was young, his father, Nicomachus, died. and Aristotle was raised by another person. Nicomachus was the doctor of Macedonian lord Amintas III.

Aristotle moved to Athens at the age of eighteen. where he joined the foundation of Plato by the age of 37. He remained there as a supporter and companion of Plato. He established a library in the Lyceum. which assisted him in planning many of his books on papyrus scrolls.

Death- Older sources generally attribute death to Aristotle’s disease of the stomach. Aristotle died after drinking aconite. After Alexander’s death, Aristotle realized that it was not ideal for him to live in Athens. Aristotle was accused of saying that there is no end to all requests and confiscations from God.

        Aristotle felt that by living here he would also be like Socrates. At that time the discipline of leaving Athens in exchange for punishment was dominant in Athens. So he thought it better to leave Athens to stay away from punishment. Aristotle died in 384 BC

The Father of Biology

Aristotle’s parents

his mom was of a well off family from the island of Euboea. His dad, Nicomachus, was a doctor to Ruler Amintas III of Macedon.

Aristotle’s Education 

      After the death of his father, Aristotle went to Athens for education. There he continued to learn from Plato for a long time. In the last years of studies, he personally began to instruct at the institute. An establishment called The Lyceum was also opened by him.

Aristotle’s Work or Discoveries

For a long time, Aristotle noticed and concentrated on the different animals present known to mankind, the primary concerns connected with which are given as follows.
  • Being as genius as thinking and reasoning, practically the real factors imposed by Aristotle on science and various subjects were validated after some time, which gave new energy to science.
  • “Normal and true characteristics are transferred from one to many by heredity”, a hypothesis set forth by Aristotle proved to be highly accurate, beneficial to the investigation of later science.
  • Throughout the existence of science, Aristotle is credited with accurately systematizing the data of various living beings.
  • Aristotle’s assumptions and studies of marine life and the realities derived from them became important information for the additional researcher.
Aristotle’s Work
  • In his initial investigations of science, Aristotle first looked at the eggs of various organisms, in which he sought to know the request for the advancement of the biological entity. Here the transformation of an egg into an organism was also associated with the underlying presence of the organism in the stomach.
  • At that time the scientific realities put forward by Aristotle had made a splash, the organisms created by him were investigated and kept in the form of books, in which more than 15 books were ready.
  • Comparing Aristotle’s time and the present time, the investigation of science by him at that time and the hypothesis put forth by him at that time is far from all accounts situated and baffling.
  • Aristotle pointed out that the heart grew before any biological entity, which he sought to determine the specific size of, although at the time it was unthinkable to see it inside and out without a magnifying lens. In this way he took the basis of thinking and put realities on it, which after some time came true.
  • Aristotle’s disciple Theophrastus made discoveries in natural science only after taking inspiration from him, who is also called the father of biological science.
  • Aristotle clearly stated that the soul is associated with natural things that exist in general. In which he called plants herbivorous animals, then he called different animals except people as conscious souls. In this regard, Aristotle recognized that the human soul is full of wisdom and flatness, yet without a soul it is difficult to be of any kind.
Aristotle’s Major Books

History of Animals, Generation of Animals, Movements of Animals, Progression of Animals, Parva Naturalia, On Plants, Opera Biology etc.

Father of Branch

Branch Of Subject

Father of Branch

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Father of Zoology


Father of Biology


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TH Morgan

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Father of Gerontology



In this article, information about who is the father of science has been given. And with this information, the names of the researchers associated with it have also been told, we are sure that you will read this post completely. Also, you probably liked this post from Father of Science, please comment and let us know how you liked it.

Father of Zoology

The father of Zoology is known as Aristotle.

Father of Zoology and Botany

The father of Zoology and Botany is known as Aristotle.

Who is Father of Zoology

The father of Zoology is known as Aristotle.

Who first discovered zoology?

zoology was first discovered by Aristotle

Biology Objective Chapter


  1. जैव प्रक्रम







  1. नियंत्रण एवं समन्वय




  1. जीव जनन कैसे करते हैं




  1. अनुवांशिकता एवं जैव विकास



  1. हमारा पर्यावरण



  1. प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का प्रबंधन


Chemistry Objective Chapter


  1. रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएं एवं समीकरण


  1. अम्ल क्षार एवं लवण


  1. धातु एवं अधातु


  1. कार्बन और उसके यौगिक


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Physics Objective Chapter


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  1. मानव नेत्र तथा रंगबिरंगा संसार


  1. विधुत धारा



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